Saturday, June 20, 2009

Types and Elements of Dragons...

~the black dragon breathes a cone of acid. The acid will make its victim dissolve.

~the blue dragon breathes a lightning bolt. This will electrocute its victim.

~the gold dragon breathes a cone of fire which will melt the victim's skin until it becomes a liquid puddle on the ground. It can also casts spells.

~the shadow dragon breathes a dark cloud which will fill an area of 100 yard with darkness.

~the brass dragon breathes a cone of sleep, which will make its victim fall into a deep sleep. "Frank" of Hamburg, Germany, tells us that the most powerful weapon that the brass dragon has is it's story telling! It can't stop talking about its adventures until it bores people to death!

~the red dragon breathes a cone of fire to roast its victim for dinner!

~the crystal dragon breathes a little sharp crystals which will whip right through its victim.

~the silver dragon breathes an ice beam which will freeze its victim.

~the copper dragon breathes a cone of gas which will paralyze its victim making it unable to move so the dragon can pounce on it.

~the bronze dragon breathes a cone of lightning and repulsion which will shock its victim and blast it away.

~the white dragon breathes a cone of frost which will turn its victim into an ice cube with its icy breath.

~the cloud dragon breathes an icy blast which surrounds its victim with an icy cloud.

1 comment:

  1. have a lot of time hoh...
    i wan the white and the black dragon, please.

    thank you.
