Tuesday, June 2, 2009

07-ghost... Kawaii~ I want a Serapii (the small pink dragon) too!

Mikage and Teito (best of friends... in a more romantic way? T.T)~

This is from a magazine... Plz support 07-ghost! *TQ ^^

one of the '7 Ghosts'... Fushigi ne?...

07-ghost by Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara... Thanks for your manga, love it!!!

Kya~ Kawaii! ...Sore domo Kakoi? *faints~

Mikael's eye is in Teito and Raffael's eye is...? ...soon to find out I guess...


  1. esta bueno ese anime me gusto cuando lo vi espero que tenga una segunda temporada

  2. Oh awesome!
    I try to find scans in Minitokyo but sadly there isn't much of them. )=
    Thanks for the pics and the list of sites you have. =)

  3. Eu gostei muito, o estilo do traço é genial e ainda mais é um traço limpo.
