well, I kinda wanna make a club that concerns about anime... so I'm thinking of start making it as a small group first! ^^ I wanna have anime drawings and sketches first then some own-making story and manga then songs... and costumes for cosplay? (hmm... that would be nice... But the problem is money and where to get costumes? Sigh*~) Ooo... And having soumen party! Yay! (You can see how soumen party looks like in Youtube) Anyway, I'm up to the point where drawings are done...^^ I'm now recruiting members... So those who wanna join can join! Just tell me...
Only for those who are in my group can join (as in, outsiders and strangers are a no-no!) ... Sorry and thank you! The name is Anime Heaven Club as in A-ni-me He-van Ku-ra-bu! ^^
Only for those who are in my group can join (as in, outsiders and strangers are a no-no!) ... Sorry and thank you! The name is Anime Heaven Club as in A-ni-me He-van Ku-ra-bu! ^^
make me the leader and i will join