Monday, April 13, 2009

Yawn~ Boring...

Today's Easter Monday... Or whatever u call it the Bunny Day... BUT to me i call it the boring holiday... Well, so i just go dowload the ruby and sapphire version of pokemon game to my laptop to play... Tomorrow's gonna be a school day... And nothing special happens... Just back to an ordinary life of an ordinary fourteen plus-year-old school girl in an ordinary secondary school... Hmm... I wonder why they call it SMK Batu Lintang... (More like Boys Love to me...) They should at least name it something better and nicer like for instance... Bell Liberty School lol~ Anyway, today is just boring... I mean REALLY BORING!!! Okay... back to the topic... (cough*) today, you can watch hanasakeru seishounen episode 2 at youtube (that's for those who like romance of shoujo anime)... I'm not sure when 07-ghsot ep2 come out but I'll tell u when I noe... Though I tell u this... Pandora Hearts's story can be a little confusing...

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