Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh no!!! Teacher! You're too mean~

Darn it... After that Hari Permuafakatan (Parents Teachers Day?), my BM teacher is going to pay more attention to me in class!!! Just because i said i didn't understand bahasa and that's why i got bad results but that doesn't mean that you have to be hard on me! sob... (Wuah~*crying)... I'm gonna be very stiff in class... But anyways, yay~ i finally got my burden off me! I finish my oral~ i finish my oral~ (*singing away...). But but but, i got 10/15... sob... Arghhh!!! I don't care! Well, although i did tell my mom to *quiet (not shut up) at home before going there and just listen to my teacher talk... But Cik. Abang Jalani asked me what i always do at home! (*gasp!) I looked away... But my mom said *only one word... "computer"... no more... (*sigh) Teacher understood everything with just one word... He said, "Yalah~ Komputer adalah masalah kini dalam kalangan pelajar..." Mom nodded and smiled at me. (Actually my mom don't really understand BM though juz try to guess... Lucky!~) Then my thoughts were like (so?) and he asked me did i read any books and i said yes... lots but he knew that i only read english ones so he said i'm not adil and i must start reading BM books... Well, at least half he said... HALF!!! That's a lot to me! I don't even understand easy words and you ask me to read half! Arghh!!! *faint... Do you even know if you asked me to read, i need to use dictionary to almost every word?! Well, it's not like i don't wanna read but most... no, all of the BM books are boring... and i prefer romance, comedy, supernatural, fantasy but not mystery or fictions!!! What?! Like Cicakman? or Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat all those?! I'll hang YOU then you know... and i'll just use my small toy bullet gun just to kill that lizardman!! I rather die than read those!!! Not in a million years... no, infinite years even! Hear me?! N-E-V-E-R!!! Okay... For now, only left is my enemy... Lisan (BM Oral of doom!!!) before i fight the mini-boss (semester) and the big boss (PMR)!!! Hmm... I wonder by that time wiil i have any more lives left... Cats have nine lives but what about humans? Well, but at least BM teacher is not around these days... How about tomorrow?!

1 comment:

  1. ish...
    follow me one...
    try to think of your own topics...
