Thursday, April 9, 2009

a dream...

As one sits at the corner of the room... glaring towards the ones who annoys oneself... waiting to strike. "Where are thou, my lord?" asked the one. "Why didn't you accepted me?"

Again, there was no reply. Only left alone oneself in the another dark dimension. No sound was heard. Crying, pleading, begging... is useless... Then, the story began... "I vow to kill everyone... Even if I'm the last one in the world... to those who dared and dares to oppose me..."

"Now, suffer my wrath!"

One had chosen not to be oneself and beseeched to be a monster, no a demon or a devil... wishing that everyone near was never to be born...

Thinking... "It would be great if one can fly... yes... I would be free..." One's dream would always be dreamt. But now, things have change...

Ones began to approach the one... befriend with one... Still, with relent one agreeded. And so, one never again became the One and lived in a satisfying life... But still, one yet still dreams... "If ones betray one, one shall dream again..."

This is just a story... So don't force yourself to think about it... Though i bet a lot of you won't understand this story... But to me, it's real... Because i tell this story to let everyone know... Do not betray especially your friends... And because this main character is... (think about it, i'm not gonna tell ya and also don't think of it as an anime cuz this is my made up story but i'll give ya a hint... If you know me well... about my past then you'll know this story...)

1 comment:

  1. Aww...
    arigatou... watashi zettai ni won't betray you.

    ps: broken English alert!
    try not using broken english.
