Saturday, February 21, 2009

Miracle egg

Ah~ so boring... well, today I just woke up this morning and went to school for cocuriculum activities (science club) at 1000 and they ask us to protect an egg from cracking when thrown down at the second floor by using any materials given lol~ So - I dunno what to do of course! So, I cellotape some straws together with the egg and rap some plastic then some newspapers until its shape and size is like a football. I thought that's not enough so i stick straws on it and rap one thin of newspaper again. My friends all knew it's too heavy and the egg might been already cracked long ago inside. We threw it down and it knock the ground with a loud sound... But~ when we open it, the egg is in good condition (ooo~ it survive?!) ... so we call it a miracle egg lol ^^~ I then brought it back home from school to cook it for good luck but since the whether is too hot, it crack itself... I guess it's not miracle after all, it's now a rotten egg~ (so sad)

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