Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello (Haro)

Hi everyone, today is my first day in this blog so there's nothing much to talk about.

Starting now from weekends, holidays... maybe Friday night and luck(i guess) i'll be online sometimes. Other days i'm kinda busy and my parents won't let me to use the computer for preparations for PMR(so strict) lol. Today i can use (luck i guess) under some circumstances lol~. And i'm sick today - high fever since after the injection in school (just woke up so ok oredi) so i can't see the monitor well, err...Anyways, plz don't mind my typing in short form and in broken language like campur (rojak) cuz i'm a malaysian and i don't really speak (type) well.

I'll be posting out things about me or maybe updates like new ones (mostly about anime though since i'm an otaku) and some stories i guess (sometimes my own one) to make my blog more interesting. So stay tune for my blog ok? - you hav my thx, bye~

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