Saturday, July 10, 2010

Continuous Writing

"When I saw the water level rising rapidly, I knew I would lose my home..."

When I saw the water level rising rapidly, I knew I would lose my home. However that loss was nothing compared to what had gravely slipped away from my hands. To me, it was just as mere as my life. As I sat on my couch with a bottle of red wine accompanied by my side, I glanced out of the window from the living room, staring at the rain drops which cascaded down like tears falling. Even the sky is crying, I thought. No matter how many times I sighed and regretted, before I knew it, something which was supposed to be precious to me was now gone forever. I gulped the bloody liquid down my throat and slammed the glass bottle onto the nearest side table. Nothing matters to me now. As I leaned backwards and closed my eye lids, l could hear the slightest sound of rain pattering down onto my roof like thousand bullets and the whole neighborhood outside shouting and screaming like mad. I ignored all the noises around me and began reminiscing my past.

It was back then when I was working. I was a hectic person. Even my close friend, George, thought so. Both of us, including Amy, were much closer than anyone could think of. We trusted each other and would gladly watched each others' back. I became more absorbed in my work after that but the newlyweds would still come and visit me frequently. They would help me with my work when they knew I was short-handed. I was checking a patient back then when I noticed our medicine supplies were going low. Amy insisted on going with me to bring back more medicinal supplies while George was busy with his work. I hesitantly accepted her company after she kept demanding to go with me as we both knew that she was pregnant. In the end, we both ended up in my car and I was the one driving.

On the way back to the hospital, Amy kept on persisting over something and an argument soon ensued. My mind was now a blur and I could only remember vaguely what we had argued about. Ah yes... It was also raining cats and dogs that day. I could still recollect a memory of me getting angry over something with her. I was being childish and let my emotions engulfed me. I wonder what we had quarreled about, I thought back again before I sighed in regret and reminded myself it did not matter anymore. I got frustrated and tried to talk to her face-to-face when suddenly my car made a horrifying screech sound. Before I knew it, my car skidded off-lane and plunged down the rocky, steep slope. All I could recall were the visions of pine trees passing quickly outside my car window. My side door was ripped open when it was caught by a big branch and I was later thrown out of my car like a ragged doll as I have a habit of not putting on my safety belt. To make matters worst, a large tree was in the way and collided with my car -- with "her" inside! But at that time, I was more worried about my own well-being. Terribly, disgustingly selfish. I groaned in agony when I realized that my waist had been pierced through by an extremely sharp branch and my clothes were torn along with my skin that looked like it had a thousand cat scratches. I was bruised, covered with wounds and my blood was oozing like sweat, bleeding profusely. I managed to keep my eyes open because of the adrenaline rush I was having. I scanned the once beautiful forest for my car. Unfortunately, the last thing I remembered was me shouting Amy's name with my hoarse voice and a loud-pitched scream ringing in my ears. There and then, unable to bear the pain any longer, I drifted into unconsciousness.

When I woke up, I was told that I was in a coma for two months. Even now, I never accepted the truth of Amy -- that she had plunged down the cliff in my car and drowned in the sea. Had I killed her? Yes... Yes, maybe I did. Her body was never found. It was all the more despair for me and George that we could not give her a proper burial. George still mourned for her now as well as his lost child and the only thing that has changed was that he never spoke to me again. I never did blame him. After all... How could I? His wife, missing... His unborn child, lost... because of me...? I wondered. Now, have I - or maybe I have - already lost everything since that day? I had quit searching for a new hope after that incident. Fate was never kind. She does as she pleases. If she did not get in my way, would things have ended like a happy ending? From then on, I have isolated myself in my house, waiting for life after death.

I was suddenly pulled back to the present. I took notice that the whole neighborhood was completely silent, knowing that everybody had taken refuge, and what remained was the only sound of the sweet rain pouring down heavily, just like that time. I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

"Soon...," I whispered as the word slipped out from my mouth, looking at the water level outside of the house. I had the feeling of it had reached the level of covering the whole house. I could no longer escape from here. I took the last sip from the bottle before all the windows began to rattle and ready to crack. I glanced up at the ceiling as if I was looking at the azure sky and said my final words, "At last, I could be together with you..." Then, the windows burst and the the water rushed into the house swiftly as it soon rose and covered everything. Finally, I thought. I was free.

1 comment:

  1. AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    why did you kill your character!!!!!!

    the story quite nice. though.
