Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trip to St. Thomas

ha~ *sigh... today went to st. thomas cuz need to do sejarah projek but when arrived feel a little shy. Well, cuz u know... St. Thomas is an all-boys school! (Actually not all cuz form 6 got girls too but dunno why...). Then, more problem... Mayday! Mayday! We (Cheryn, Katsuki, Yuki and watashi) went to find the teach' but actually is a girl (Yay! finally... A gal!). But then she ask us to go to counseling room to find ans... But no one in it so we need to go lepak inside (the place is like an old hotel) and need to find the afternoon advisor but then the "person" said he was just a dish-washer like his words sounds like dun wan to be interviewed (grr!!! Hontoni aitsu wa sutsurene! Zettai aitsu kami-korosu!)... Making more problems for us so we must do on our own. Taking pictures (so many stairs making my leg hurts...and getting lost in school...). One of the stairs is actually has thirteen steps! (scray~ good thing i didn't fall and still got cemetary at the back... plz don't curse me!!! i'm very sorry for all inconvience and the things that makes you angry! Hontoni gomenasai!!!). The school is so big and better than our SMK Batu Lintang (no offence but it's really beautiful! if you dun believe me then go see for yourself lol~) then went home... finally done! Ow! My legs still hurts...

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