Sunday, April 18, 2010

Semester exam

Sigh* fist semester examination is around the corner (5th of May) so I'm not gonna go online for awhile now... Untill after the exams that is... So sorry for any inconvenience, and I'm kinda busy lately with homework (darn, after reaching Form 4 I'm having a hard time catching up...) and worrying about projects I need to do... Sigh, even I don't have enough time to have lunch break in school (though I don't normally eat at school XD) and I use that time to do my homework so that when I go home I have less things to do and more time to relax... (Arghh!!! I can feel the pure pressure aura, hisssss....*)

Now I need to start studying early... I don't even have time to chat, so wish me luck on the exams... sigh* (Grarghhh!!! @#$%^&*!!!) Gambare!


  1. 4th of May
    by the way
    don't go sway
    for exam isn't away
    4th of May
    that's the day
    the end we lay.

  2. in conclusion... the exam is in 4th of May
    the teachers change it. one day earlier.
