Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sorry for the late posts

Sorry about the late posting and I know is very little...^^' And I'm sad to say that starting from this year (and especially next year for I am taking SPM so I dunno if I still can use the computer next year) I'm not gonna go online as frequently as I want now because my studies are getting harder and I'm barely coping with it. My first monthly test this year I scored lower than the usual in the previous years... (though, to me the subjects are getting more interesting~) And I have lesser time for computer now. On the weekdays, I need to go for tuition and I need to do my huge piles of homework (and partially is because of my eyesight degree have gone up so I got banned for using the computer by my parents lol ^^') So I can only play during weekends such as Friday evening, Saturday evening and Sunday til evening... Therefore, I'm very sorry but, I'll try to keep up the posting for new animes and mangas.

*sigh, though I'm still suffering from Anime and Manga Deficiency Syndrome. ^^~ XD

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