Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yatta!! Finally... Tadaima!

Sorry about the past few days... err more to say few weeks or a month or so... I can't use the internet at that time so I didn't log in for a long time liao~ Well, that's due to some family matters and the past tests so I also need to study for that... I never knew that I would shoot up from getting the lowest results in class to getting an A for my sejarah (history test)... Haha!!! It's a miracle...(And I thought I hate sejarah...hmm...) Anyway now I can finally use the computer lol~ And they are some new updates I wanna post too... But please remember that I have PMR this year so I'm gonna rarely use the com soon, sob~ Please enjoy while you can... I'm gonna post as many as I want too so be happy! Wai wai~

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